
December 31, 2009

2009: An amazing year!

So I got this idea from my babycenter birth board. 2009 has been such a blessing!! Here are just some highlights:

Home pregnancy tests taken: 1
Cattle shows/sales attended: 10
Years of marriage celebrated: 2
Car accidents and tickets: 0
Weddings attended: 2
Trips to/from Michigan: 5
Computers purchased: 1
Friends/relatives who had babies or got pregnant: 10+
Baby showers attended: 4
Pounds gained: over 40
Pounds lost: 30
Puppies born: 8
Miles put on car in just one week: 1000
Photos uploaded on Facebook: hundreds
Ultrasounds had: 2
Times driven to and from Peoria: 100+ (in 4 weeks)
Surgeries had: 1
Days before due date I went into labor: 4
Hours in labor: 28
Hours pushing: 2
Scars recieved: 1
Prayers answered: 1000's
Miracles: 1
Days between anniversary and Lane's birthday: 6

Have a Happy New Year!!

December 16, 2009

Santa Baby

Lane is 3 months old now! Where has the time gone?? I did a photo shoot the other day with him in his Santa outfit. He looked so cute! He is now rolling from back to front - somewhat continuously - and is chatting up a storm. He is such a happy baby! He sleeps through the night 99.9% of the time and on the off chance that he does get up he's usually just dreamy and when I turn on his aquarium sound machine he drifts right back off!!

I returned back to work on December 2nd - it really wasn't as bad as some people say...the hardest part has been getting back into the routine of going to work 5 days a week and making sure that he has everything he needs for a day at the sitter's!

Here are some pictures that I've taken over the last several days!

Our Christmas Tree
we've always put it on the trunk to keep Jinx out of it and now to keep Lane out of it (next year)

Big Boy!

Helping Daddy put the bow on the tree

Santa Baby!

3 Months!
(some say he looks like Cousin Brian in this picture)